Two magicians shall appear in England…
The first shall fear me; the second shall long to behold me;
The first shall be governed by thieves and murderers;
the second shall conspire at his own destruction;
The first shall bury his heart in a dark wood beneath the snow, yet still feel its ache;
The second shall see his dearest posession in his enemy’s hand…

The first shall bury his heart in a dark wood beneath the snow, yet still feel its ache;
The second shall see his dearest posession in his enemy’s hand…

The first shall pass his life alone; he shall be his own gaoler;
The second shall tread lonely roads, the storm above his head,
seeking a dark tower upon a high hillside…

I sit upon a black throne in the shadows but they shall not see me.
The rain shall make a door for me and I shall pass through it;
The stones shall make a throne for me and I shall sit upon it…

The nameless slave shall wear a silver crown
The nameless slave shall be a king in a strange country…

“Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell” by Susanna Clarke